Ms. Sulka, it seems you continue to mislead citizens about your activities.For example, several years back you did an illegal membership drive using Town employees, on Town time, to help profit the criminally operated Hilton Head Bluffton Chamber.
Ms. Sulka, it seems you continue to mislead citizens about your activities.For example, several years back you did an illegal membership drive using Town employees, on Town time, to help profit the criminally operated Hilton Head Bluffton Chamber.
Three months ago, Hilton Head businessman Skip Hoagland launched a very public campaign calling into question the business practices and the motives of the Hilton Head Island Chamber of Commerce, and the organization’s president Bill Miles. Here, Hoagland tells us what’s behind his offensive and what he hopes to achieve.
Much like his (one presumes) idol Wile E. Coyote, Hilton Head Island Town Councilman Tom Lennox appears to have an open line of credit with Acme Co. and a pathetic habit of standing under his own anvil.
Truly, I cannot wait to see what he orders next in his mission to foil the Road Runner — pardon me, I mean Skip Hoagland, the private citizen whose opinions Lennox is trying to silence on behalf of ... constituents? No. That can’t be right.
After months of public back-and-forth between a local critic and government leaders, the county is looking to pass a law that would allow the council chairman to order police officers to remove, and possibly arrest, “disruptive” speakers at public meetings.
If you own a media company focused on a local geography, there may be an unseen competitor to your business – and the competitor might not be playing fair..
Skip Hoagland, a local businessman and outspoken Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce critic, stood before the Bluffton town council Tuesday during a public comment session.
Despite a surplus of money paid by tourists who visited the island this year, the Town of Hilton Head Island and the Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce won't be getting a slice.